Design Dialogues: Makers + Designers

Feb 22, 2018 6:00pm - 9:00pm

philafad and AIA Philadelphia are partnering together to present Maker and Designer, the second installment in the AIA Philadelphia’s Design Dialogues series. Design Dialogues was started by AIA Philadelphia’s Design Committee in order to raise the level of discussion about design from multiple perspectives, with the intent of building relationships across different disciplines within the Philadelphia region.

This Maker and Designer Dialogue brings together four pairs of local architects and fabricators who have joined together on projects. Learn how their collaborations formed, how they designed together, how they learned from each other, and what challenges they overcame. There will be plenty of time for discussion and questions after the presentations.

This event is free to philafad, AIA, and NextFab members. All others are only $10. Please RSVP to help with planning. It’s no fun fighting over the last beer or cookie.

Make sure to arrive on time so that you can take a tour of NextFab’s facilities (and to network, of course)!

Event Cost:
Free for AIA / philafad / NextFab Members
$10 for Non-Members

6:00-6:45 pm Arrival, networking, and tours of NextFab
6:45-8:15 pm Presentations and Q&A
8:15-9:00 pm Networking

Design Teams:

  • Justin Bernard, studioRON and Christopher Renn Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
  • Metcalfe Architects and Art Guild
  • Mike Parsell and Mike Harpring
  • Stokes Architecture and Mark Jewett Design, Inc.
  • Moderator: George Little, Assoc. AIA, AIGA, LEED Green Assoc., GeorgeLittle.Design

philafad, Philly Fabricators, Architects, and Designers, is focused on being a network and support system for small-scale Philly businesses within the design and construction world. Events are casual and relaxed. Come early and stay late after the discussion. Businesses grow as networks grow.

For more information, please contact:
AIA Philadelphia
Julianne Foley
215-569-3186, ext. 101

Register Here