Join DVRPC as we kickoff Greater Philadelphia’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) update.
What is the CEDS?
A CEDS is a strategy-driven plan for regional economic development. A CEDS is the result of a regionally-owned planning process designed to build capacity and guide the economic prosperity and resiliency of an area or region. It is a key component in establishing and maintaining a robust economic ecosystem by helping to build regional capacity (through hard and soft infrastructure) that contributes to individual, firm, and community success. Regions must update their CEDS at least every five years to qualify for EDA assistance.
The last CEDS was adopted by DVRPC in 2014. In an effort to bring together key stakeholders to discuss regional economic goals, participants are invited to DVRPC to take part in a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Below is an outline of the meeting agenda.
Stakeholder Participation: SWOT Planning Exercise for the CEDS
12:30 pm Lunch and Networking
1:00 pm Welcome, Mr. Barry Seymour, Executive Director, DVRPC
1:10 pm CEDS Process and Approach
Ms. Karen Cilurso, Manager, Office of Community & Economic Development will explain the CEDS planning requirements and SWOT requirement for the CEDS process.
1:30 pm Overview of SWOT Exercise
Ms. Alison Hastings, Manager, Office of Communication & Engagement will explain the SWOT activity and ground rules.
1:40 pm Breakout Group Discussions
Participants will work together in teams of 8 to brainstorm ideas.
2:15 pm Gallery Show
Participants will share how each group organized information and highlight reoccurring themes.
3:30 pm Reconvene Participants
3:45 pm Group Reflection
Ms. Karen Cilurso will bring the participants back together to gather additional thoughts or ideas and provide next steps in the CEDS planning process.
4:00 pm Adjourn