Project HOME Honickman Learning Center's Wilt Chamberlain Memorial Auditorium

Jun 06, 2018 9:00am - 12:00pm
Nurse home visitors and other staff providing family support in the community are challenged to employ practical strategies and know everyday resources to help the families they serve navigate periodic homelessness. At this Brunch and Learn, you will learn about citywide transitional and emergency housing systems, individuals’ rights to public housing, and resources that are available to prevent and address homelessness.
Speakers include:
- Stephanie Dorenbosch, Managing Attorney, Nursing-Legal Partnership (NLP)
- Karla Cruel, Staff Attorney, Tenant Union Representative Network (TURN)
- Bruce K. Johnson, Director, Prevention, Intake, and Diversion, Office of Homeless Services (OHS)
- Hannah Buzzelli, Central Intake Coordinator, Project HOME
Other Information:
*Please be sure to reigster via this invitation, as seating is limited.
*CEUs will be available for nurses.