Monthly Archives: October 2020

PACDC Supports Recovery Plan Introduced in City Council

The Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC) supports bills 200556 and 200558 as a legislative package to invest in affordable homes, community economic development, and job creation activities.  Bill No. 200556 will create a 1% Construction Impact Tax, which PACDC advocated strongly for in 2018 to generate funds for the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund.  […]

New Report Shows Community Development Boosted Local Economy By $5.4 Billion

As Philadelphia and the nation struggle with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis, the Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC) released a new report showing that over the last 28 years, community development in Philadelphia has boosted the Philadelphia economy by more than $5.4 billion, and more than $9 billion in Pennsylvania. “To […]