Disaster Resilience Training

Jul 27, 2021 10:30am - 12:00pm

PACDC is hosting a Commercial Corridor Management Disaster Resilience Training with Temple University’s City and Regional Planning Graduate Studio!

PACDC, the Philadelphia Department of Commerce, and LISC teamed up with Temple’s City and Regional Planning Graduate Studio to investigate and report on the emergency response of the City, PACDC, and LISC throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and civil unrest – specifically in regards to commercial corridors. Through this process, the Temple Studio Team developed a set of comprehensive recommendations for resiliency planning focused on disaster resilience that includes a Merchant Toolkit and various resources for commercial corridor managers


This free training will be held virtually on Tuesday, July 27th from 10:30am-12:00pm



We welcome you to join this training session to learn more about how you can utilize these new and existing resources in your commercial corridor! The training captures a wide range of disaster resources including:

  • Storms and inclimate weather
  • Power and utility outages
  • Public health emergencies
  • Civil unrest