PACDC’s Equitable Development Policy Platform
Full Report | Two-Page Summary | End Notes | List of Endorsers | Endorse the Platform
We all deserve a city in which affordable housing, work that pays a living wage, and safe neighborhoods are attainable for every resident. Philadelphia has work to do to become the city that we all need. As a step toward truly creating an equitable city and reducing disparities especially experienced by Black, Indigenous, People of Color including those who identify as Latino and Asian (BIPOC) Philadelphians and the disparities between the neighborhoods in which they live, PACDC has released a new Equitable Development Policy Platform.
More than 100 community leaders and experts have helped us pull together 22 high impact recommendations to shape and guide the policies and funding priorities of the next Mayoral Administration, City Council and other decision-makers in Philadelphia. PACDC will promote these recommendations to help move our City forward equitably within the following six planks: Quality of Life, Inclusive Communities, Anti-Displacement, Housing, Economic Development, and Vacancy & Blight. We have also developed an easy to read, two-page summary which encapsulates the recommendations in the full platform. If you’re interested in reading the end notes to dive into the source material which informed our platform, click here. So far, over 60 organizations have endorsed our platform. We are encouraging organizations and businesses to join their colleagues by endorsing the platform today.
Mayoral Candidate Forum: In conjunction with Ceiba, LISC Philadelphia, Regional Housing Legal Services, Urban Affairs Coalition, and Urban League of Philadelphia, PACDC hosted a Mayoral Candidate forum on Equitable Development & Affordable Housing on April 19th at Broad Street Ministry. The packed house heard candidates speak on a range of issues important to housing, community development, and equity in Philadelphia. Check back next week for a link to the full video recording of the event provided by PhillyCAM. For now, read about highlights from the evening from WHYY and the Philadelphia Inquirer.