Reinventing Our Communities (ROC) is going on the road! Join us for Reinventing Our Communities: Investing in Opportunity, Monday, October 1, through Wednesday, October 3, 2018, at the Hilton Baltimore.
Investing in people, places, and communities can produce positive returns and increase access to resources that create economic growth and prosperity. Check out the conference agenda to see the lineup of plenaries and workshops in which you will learn about effective strategies for building and mobilizing four forms of capital — financial, human, physical, and social — to create opportunity in your communities.
This year’s event is cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Richmond, Johns Hopkins 21st Century Cities Initiative (21CC). 21CC is incorporating its annual gathering on cities, the 21st Century Neighborhoods Symposium, held in the fall in Baltimore, into this year’s Reinventing Our Communities conference.
Cosponsors also include the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis, New York, and St. Louis, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Enterprise, and FLHBank Pittsburgh.
ROC conferences, organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia since 2004, have become must-attend biennial events for experts, thought leaders, and policymakers in community development to discuss strategies to “reinvent America’s communities.”