Join PACDC, the PA Department of Community and Economic Development, and the Philadelphia Bar Association to learn how your organization may use state NAP Tax Credits to make impactful investments in your community. Panelists will present an informational program on the Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program (NAP) and examine successful strategies for securing and using NAP tax credits, as well as other resources available at the Department.
We especially encourage potential business partners to participate in next Friday’s briefing!
- Aliyah Furman Stanger, Southeast Regional Director, PA Department of Community & Economic Development
- Kimberly Allen, Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo Regional Foundation. CDC
- James Wright, Director of Community, Economic, and Real Estate Development, People’s Emergency Center CDC
When? Friday, April 12th at 9 am
Where? Philadelphia Bar Association 11th Floor Conference Center, 1101 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Cost? $10 – Registrants who do not need CLE/CJE credit. Course materials will be included with this option.
About the NAP Program
The NAP program offers tax credits to businesses in exchange for financial contributions to registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organizations, working in low-income and distressed neighborhoods. Funds from contributions can assist in providing support for various community and economic development activities such as job training, crime prevention, housing rehab & weatherization, diversity initiatives, rural transportation initiatives, and blight elimination. These programs can be beneficial in further enhancing existing or developing public-private partnerships.
The Neighborhood Assistance Program is now open with applications due Friday, June 28th at 5PM. While the timing has moved up there is an extra month to complete applications. Please be sure to review the updated guidelines and as always you submit an application through Electronic Single Application. If you intend to apply with a solicitation plan please note full commitments are due by the end of September.