PACDC testified in support of a bill that would give very low-income workers in Philadelphia a refund of their city wage tax. Championed by Councilmember Allan Domb, Bill No. 200016 could put as much as $538 back into the pocket of a single mom with two kids earning up to $27,750 per year. See the income limits and rebate amounts for households of different sizes here. Research on other tax refund programs showed that for every $1 returned to a low-income worker, it had a $1.58 impact in the local economy. Putting money back into the pockets of our lowest income neighbors is another equitable development strategy that directs resources from a growing city to our neighbors that need it the most. The bill was unanimously reported out of City Council’s Finance Committee on February 18th and could be up for final passage as early as February 27, 2020.