Regional Economic Diversification Summit

The Enterprise Center
Jul 18, 2018 9:00am - 1:00pm

This Regional Economic Diversification Summit will provide a forum and opportunity to advance business incubation and innovation ideas to enhance true and real support for:

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovative Thinkers;
  • Further Advancing the Field of Precision Medicine as a Key Part of the Regional Ecosystem;
  • Future Focused Workforce Development;
  • Access to Capital and Utilizing New Forms of Capital.

Summit invitees and participants through this working meeting, will create actionable steps toward advancing economic diversification drawing from priorities contained in:

  • DVRPC’s Connections 2045 Plan for Greater Philadelphia;
  • DVRPC’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS);
  • Philadelphia2035, the City’s Comprehensive Plan for Managing Growth and Development;
  • The mission of the West Philadelphia Skills Initiative; and
  • The recommendations found in Connect to Compete: Philadelphia’s University City Center City Innovation District (Brookings Institution).


9:00AM – Welcome and Introductions

9:45AM – Panel Discussion – Innovation, Advancing Opportunities and Expanding Innovative Culture in the Region

11:45AM – Roundtable Discussion – Making Projects Happen

Thank you to our host partner, The Enterprise Center, and fellow planning partners Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Philadelphia City Planning Commission, Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity and the West Philadelphia Promise Zone.

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