PACDC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

Last Update: June 2024 

DEI Statement 

PACDC is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of its programming including our policy and member services work, our hiring policies, our Board and Staff composition, and our purchasing program.  

Specifically, PACDC recruits Board members who bring wide-ranging expertise and reflect the diversity of the communities they serve, and we continually seek a diverse and culturally sensitive staff.  We intentionally engage our very diverse membership to inform our policy and member services work. 

Additionally, PACDC continues to challenge its value and commitment in advocating for a just and inclusive Philadelphia by incorporating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programming internally. To that end, all staff participated in a DEI Assessment in 2023 led by an outside leader in the field, that focused on race, gender and sexual identity, and are committed to following an action plan to continue this DEI work in future programming and operations. By leveraging our collective strengths, insights, and experiences, we aim to challenge biases, recognize diverse audiences, disrupt discriminatory practices, react adeptly to challenging topics, advance and elevate diverse leadership, and promote policies that foster racial justice. Read our full Better Together DEI statement

Equitable Hiring Statement 

PACDC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. We maintain an internal Job Listing Directory that incorporates a wide range of inclusive job placement sites. 

PACDC recruits, hires, compensates, trains, and promotes qualified individuals in all job classifications without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or by any other basis protected under applicable law. Black, Indigenous, Latine, Asian, and other people of color, immigrants, women, LGBTQI+ individuals, and people who are differently abled or neurodiverse are highly encouraged to apply. 

Pronouns Statement 

It’s about respect. At PACDC, we believe in respecting how people want to be addressed. You may notice, we request pronouns when you register for PACDC events. This is so we can refer to people the way they want. We want our spaces to be safe and inclusive. This is a really easy way to work towards this ideal. Pronouns are an extension of our identities. When we share our own pronouns, it opens the door for others to share their own and create healthy boundaries. 

Singular They: Whereas you may be most familiar with binary pronouns, (having only two choices, he or she,) non-binary people have existed as long as we have had words to express ourselves. For a history of non-binary people, check out  this resource which discusses non-binary history going back to 2000 BCE. 

In English, we already use singular “they” all the time when we don’t know someone’s gender. And we’ve done so since the 14th century. For example, if you find a wallet someone has dropped on the ground outside the bank. You might say: “Uh oh, someone dropped their wallet. I’ll bring it inside for them, for when they get back.” Don’t know someone’s pronouns? Don’t assume, ask. 

If you want to learn more about gender neutral pronouns, check out this article,  

They/Them Pronouns: All Your Questions About  Gender Neutral Pronouns Answered 

Office Procurement Statement  

PACDC’s purchasing office is committed to increasing business opportunities for a diverse range of suppliers and has implemented a Diverse Supplier Vendor Directory as a strategy to increase business opportunities for minority, women, LGBTQI+ and differently abled owned businesses. PACDC is committed to supporting small, locally owned, and diverse businesses and will strive to source from these when feasible, especially when competitive pricing is available.

PACDC Complimentary Tickets Policy

Creation of this ticket policy is an example of putting racial equity to work in practice. Every action we take, processes we employ, and planning we do as an agency must utilize an racial and economic equity lens. That means doing things differently, putting those most affected by systems of oppression first, and by disrupting systems as they currently stand.

PACDC values equity.  We understand that our city, nation, and world contain structural advantages for some, and disadvantages for others, often along lines of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, physical ability, religious belief, and age.  We approach our work by recognizing that these inequities exist, and by promoting equity in the policies we seek to advance, the programs we provide for our members, and the platforms we have control of or influence over.

  1. Sponsors and advertisers: Only receive their allotted number of tickets. No exceptions. Additional tickets can be purchased at full cost. Rationale: sponsorship package was agreed to and these entities can easily afford to pay for additional tickets. They have until 3 weeks before the gala to register their guests. When reminder emails are sent to encourage registration, this group will be reminded to indicate if they choose not to claim all tickets.
  2. Award winners / finalists:
    1. Children of award winners 13 years of age and under may attend, no ticket needed. Two children under 13 maximum.
    2. Other requests for additional complimentary tickets from award winners / finalists will be decided upon based on how many unclaimed sponsor / advertiser tickets 3 weeks before the gala.  Until that time, requests will receive a response that if additional tickets become available, we will reach out to offer them.  Extra tickets will be offered out on a first come, first serve basis. The Communications & Events Coordinator and Director of Member Services will manage this process.
  1. City Council: members of City Council who wish to attend the gala will purchase their own tickets at our CDC member discounted rate. We will reach out and encourage them to attend and support PACDC—which in turn supports our members.
  2. Communications with ticket holders / those requesting tickets: Please forward all requests to to keep organized in the order in which they are received.