Author Archives: admin_pacdc

Take Action: Tell Mayor Kenney to Sign the Construction Impact Tax

Please take a moment right now to call, email, or Tweet Mayor Kenney and urge him to sign Bill No. 180351 that will create a 1% Construction Impact Tax that could generate $20 million or more each year for the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund. Call him at (215) 686-2181.  Email him at  Tweet to […]

Victory! City Council passes bill to guarantee $500,000 for CDC economic development

City Council unanimously approved Bill No. 180621 on Thursday, June 21st that will ensure that $500,000 more per year is made available for the economic development work of CDCs. Read PACDC’s letter to City Council urging them to approve the bill.  Originally, the bill created 10 new CDC Tax Credit slots, but was amended on […]

Victory! City Council Passes Affordable Housing Bills

At its final session before summer recess, City Council approved a package of three bills PACDC advocated for that could generate more than $20 million per year for the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund, and create more mixed income communities. Bill No. 180351 would create a 1% Construction Impact Tax, was approved by a narrow 9-8 […]

Housing Trust Fund Bills Clear Key Council Committee!

We’re one big step closer to a victory in our campaign to create Affordable Homes for a Growing Philly! On June 6th 2018, by a vote of 6 – 3, City Council’s Committee on Finance passed two bills that could lead to tens of millions more each year for the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund! Bill […]

CDC Tax Credit Expansion Bill Clears Council Finance Committee

A bill to expand the CDC Tax Credit Program by another 10 slots unanimously passed City Council’s Finance Committee on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Sponsored by Councilman Bobby Henon, the bill would strengthen the organizational capacity of CDCs to engage in neighborhood economic development work by providing $100,000 per year for 10-years for qualifying CDCs. […]

City Council Hearing on Construction Impact Tax 6/6/18 at 10 am!

City Council’s Committee on Finance will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 6 2018 beginning at 10 a.m. on Bill No. 180351 that creates a 1% Construction Impact Tax, and Bill No. 180347, which defines how those funds will be allocated and spent in a new sub-fund of the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund. Come […]

PACDC Testifies on FY19/Year 44 Consolidated Plan

Testimony of Beth McConnell Policy Director, Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations Before the Division of Housing and Community Development and the Department of Commerce City of Philadelphia On the Year 44/FY19 Preliminary Consolidated Play April 25, 2019 Good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to testify.  My name is Beth McConnell, and I’m […]

New City Resources for Affordable Housing Proposed

Breaking News! The Putting Philadelphia First bills cleared City Council’s Finance Committee on June 6th, 2018.  Read the update here. On April 11th, PACDC joined Council President Clarke, Councilwoman Quinones-Sanchez, Councilman Squilla, and others at a news conference to announce a new package of bills, Putting Philadelphia First, which were introduced in City Council on April […]