Category Archives: Member Spotlight

Nov 2023 Spotlight: Rebuilding Together Philadelphia

We spoke to Kelly Guajardo at Rebuilding Together Philadelphia. Tell us about how you got your start at Rebuilding Together Philadelphia: My family and I relocated to Philadelphia in 2020 and I started with RTP in September of 2022. It was the organization’s mission that drew me in and the fabulous coworkers and  homeowners that made me want […]

July 2023 Spotlight: Neighborhood Gardens Trust

Member SpotlightThe Neighborhood Gardens Trust (NGT) is Philadelphia’s neighborhood garden protector.“We are a land trust dedicated to preserving and supporting community gardens and other shared open spaces across the city. NGT’s work is grounded in the belief that an equitable and sustainable city is one in which all neighborhoods have vibrant green spaces for residents to […]

March 2023 Member Spotlight: Germantown United CDC

PACDC spoke with Matthew George at Germantown United CDC. Matthew George grew up in Mt. Airy and moved between Germantown, East Falls, and Chestnut Hill. In 2017, George moved to Germantown and he wanted to have a direct impact in his neighborhood. Back in high school, George was part of a nonprofit in Chestnut Hill called Teenagers Inc. They would volunteer, go to homeless shelters, clean […]

January 2023 Member Spotlight: East Falls Development Corporation

East Falls Development Corporation is a not-for-profit entity dedicated to community-based economic development for the benefit of East Falls.   Business Association meeting with CCP’s Power Up Your Biz program   Day of service at the new East Falls River Landing We spoke with Michelle Feldman at East Falls Development Corporation: Tell us about how you got […]

December 2022 Member Spotlight: Frankford CDC

The Frankford CDC is dedicated to the asset-based development of Lower Northeast Philadelphia through job creation, affordable and workforce housing development, improving awareness and outcomes around health and wellness, and the creative and sustainable improvement of public space. The vision is to empower citizens to effect positive change in their community. 400Art creation at Frankford Pause […]

October 2022 Member Spotlight: Community of Compassion CDC

The Community of Compassion CDC Inc. (“Compassion CDC”) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, incorporated in 2001, located at 6150 Cedar Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143.  Compassion CDC is as an outgrowth of The Church of Christian Compassion, founded in 1981, which has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to the redevelopment and revitalization of both human and physical […]

August Member Spotlight: Jessi Koch, Centennial Parkside

Centennial Parkside CDC’s (CPCDC) Equitable Development Initiative, focuses on the preservation and development of affordable housing, community ownership of land, resident wealth-building through property ownership, energy democracy and climate change preparedness, and strategic partnerships. They will be hosting the second annual Black Man’s Conference in late September, and are busy with other programs and advocacy […]

July Member Spotlight: Emily Cordero, Asociación Puertorriqueños En Marcha (APM)

For over fifty years, APM has been working towards its vision in which every resident is engaged, encouraged to lead, and given opportunities to become self-reliant. From affordable housing development, to food distribution and youth programming, APM continues to rise to the emergent needs of the diverse community they serve. APM recently hosted its annual […]