LIHTC Year 15: Preparing for a Successful Exit

Developers and owners have numerous exit strategies to evaluate as their Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) properties approach the end of their LIHTC compliance period. Attend this webinar to learn about common exit strategies and the tax implications for general partners and limited partners. The presentation will also provide participants with a roadmap for preparing for a year 15 transition and outline helpful tips learned from completed year 15 transactions.

Key learning objectives

After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify commonly-used year 15 exit strategies
  • Summarize the tax implications associated with each exit strategy
  • Summarize practical tactics to help prepare for a year 15 transaction

Who should attend?

  • Owners and developers of LIHTC properties, including public housing authorities
  • Limited partners participating in LIHTC properties

Property managers of LIHTC properties

Complimentary webinar

Note: CPE is offered for this complimentary event. Please see below for more information.

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