Basics of Certification Payrolls: Get It Right the First Time

Feb 15, 2018 7:30am - 10:00am

How many times have you waited to receive certified payrolls from the contractors, only to be told they were incomplete?  And how many times were the forms incorrect and resulted in delay of payments?

If you are a project owner, developer, construction manager, general contractor, subcontractor or consultant and are working on a current project or anticipate a future project funded with a public subsidy – then this workshop is for you.  Get the information from the experts that will ensure the paperwork is completed correctly the first time, and eliminate delays in payments.  Find out what forms are correct, requirements for compliance,LCPtracker-the latest software solution for job site compliance, when job classifications are needed, how to treat apprentices, acceptable types of fringe benefits and much more.  You will learn exactly what it means with “Davis Bacon”.

If you have ever worked on a project that is funded partially with federal dollars, State dollars or City dollars, then this applies to you.  If the project has received New Markets Tax Credits, Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant funds, PIDC financing, or other State or federal funding, then you can’t afford to miss this workshop.

Join PIDC at our office on Thursday, February 15, 2018, as we partner with the City of Philadelphia Office of Labor Standards, for the presentation, “Basics of Certified Payrolls: Get It Right The First Time”.  This workshop is free and open to any existing business.

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