Research Readiness Day 2019

Temple University - Walk Auditorium at Ritter Hall
Jan 24, 2019 9:00am - 12:00pm

What is Community Driven Research Day? 

Community Driven Research Day (CDRD) encourages collaboration between researchers and community-based organizations (CBOs)/ community groups who have research questions that they are interested in answering. Through an interactive poster session, CBOs and community groups highlighted their research questions to program participants, including area nonprofits, community groups, public sector partners, and researchers from academic institutions across Philadelphia. This year’s theme was Local Solutions to Health Challenges.

What is Research Readiness Day? 

Research Readiness Day is a technical assistance event for groups interested in learning the skills to develop and pitch their research ideas to academic partners.

Funding Opportunity 

This is a great opportunity for community organizations that presented posters at CDRD to gain technical assistance in developing their CDRD proposal- call for proposals coming January 2019.

Topics Covered at Research Readiness Day 

» Basics of community-academic partnerships
» Basics of community-academic partnerships
» Developing and refining a research question
» Finding connections
» Pitching your idea
» Beginning to build a proposal
» Working with participants
» Navigating the IRB

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