Think Money First! Building the Sustainable Nonprofit

What: Finance is not simply about balance sheets and income statements, it is about decision making. Nonprofit leaders are tackling some of the most difficult, multi-faceted, and systemic challenges in our society. Yet we operate in a system that underfunds programs, starves organizational infrastructure and relies on sweat equity to make ends meet. In order to break out of this vicious cycle of underfunding and underinvestment, leaders need to create a culture that understands what it really takes to deliver on mission and is committed to building a revenue and business model that ensures financial sustainability and impact.

Join us for an engaging conversation on how nonprofit leaders and their boards can better advocate for full cost funding, build more sustainable organizations, and drive mission success.

Presented by David Greco, a nationally recognized speaker, author and consultant on creating a more sustainable and effective social sector. He brings more than 25 years of experience in in driving the growth and impact of social sector organizations. In 2013, David founded Social Sector Partners to provide training and capacity building support to funders and nonprofits to develop a culture of sustainability that incorporates real cost, sustainable business models, and a focus on impact. He is a professor with Pepperdine University in the Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship and Change program and the author of “Think Money! Ending the Culture of Scarcity and Achieving Real Impact”. David earned his M.A. in Political Science from Villanova University and B.S. in History & Politics from Drexel University.

Registration: The presentation will be delivered by means of an online webinar and conference call. When you have registered, you will receive an email with the link to the webinar as well as the bridgeline information. NOTE: If you are a first-time participant, you should make sure that your network is compatible with WebEx.

Registration will be accepted through Wednesday, September 26.

Register Here