Category Archives: Call To Action

VICTORY! Mandatory Funding for the Housing Trust Fund Approved

Join the Fight to Build an Equitable Philadelphia More than 124,846 Philadelphians voted to address Philadelphia’s affordable housing crisis, and we’re just getting started!  On Tuesday, November 2nd, nearly 70% of Philadelphia voters gave a resounding YES to Ballot Question 4. This means that the City must set aside 0.5% of its annual budget, or […]

Our Commitment to Racial Justice

PACDC stands in solidarity with those protesting the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other unarmed black men, women, and children killed by racist acts of police brutality. We recognize the pain and outrage brought on by white supremacy, systemic racism, and years of disinvestment in communities of color, and we join our […]

Call your Rep to support corona virus relief bill S 3548

Thanks to all of you that called Senators Toomey and Casey yesterday to support S 3548, the bill that will provide $2 trillion in relief for our communities due to the corona virus outbreak. Both Senators voted in favor of the bill, which passed the Senate and is now off to the House. Now it’s […]

Take Action: Tell Mayor Kenney to Sign the Construction Impact Tax

Please take a moment right now to call, email, or Tweet Mayor Kenney and urge him to sign Bill No. 180351 that will create a 1% Construction Impact Tax that could generate $20 million or more each year for the Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund. Call him at (215) 686-2181.  Email him at  Tweet to […]

Public Comment Session for Eviction Task Force

Before the Mayor’s Task Force on Eviction Prevention and Response determines recommendations, they are holding a public comment session on Monday, March 5th, 4:00-6:00pm. This is a chance for YOU to make an impact on preventing evictions and forced moves in Philadelphia. Need an interpreter? Interested in speaking? Sign up by March 1 by emailing […]

Vote Today!

Today is election day in Philadelphia and there are important offices and issues on the ballot locally and statewide. Please take a moment to make a plan for voting and make sure you follow through. Then, take a moment to encourage your friends, family, and constituents to do the same. Having a government that expresses our […]

A Bad Bill and What You Need to Do About It

The most recent effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is by some accounts the worst yet. The Cassidy-Graham bill would end Medicaid as we know it, eliminate treatment options in the middle of an opioid epidemic, and end federal protections for preexisting conditions, lifetime treatment caps, and much more. It also redirects funding […]